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Guest Portraits

Guest Portraits

A small reminder of a joyful celebration. 

For those dedicated to making each guest feel seen. 

At a Glance


Including a custom portrait artist at your event is an unexpected way to surprise your guests. Your most beloved friends and family are beyond delighted when they realize they, too, get a custom painting. 


Kelsey's guest portrait style is a reflection of many years of art practice. Graduating with an art degree, followed by teaching for five years in the art classroom, to eventually claiming the title of "full time artist", she has been working hard to create a graphic, fine art look.


Quick and playful, yet realistic and elevated, each portrait truly does capture the essence of your guests. 


Guest Illustrations are available as an add on as well as a stand alone service. Adding on an hour or two to your live canvas painting is common for more intimate events. Booking throughout cocktail hour and the reception is popular for larger parties. 


By the end of the night, a portrait of each guest as well as the party hosts, will be displayed neatly for guests to pick up on their way out. 


A party favor that is always cherished, never forgotten.


Guest Portraits - Photo by Chelsea Beamer
Bridal Party Members Portrait

Day of Process

01. Kelsey arrives early to set up in the designated space before      

       guests enter. 


02. Each event is unique, but most often, guests have the option to

       get their photo taken or send their own image from the party. 


03. As the event unfolds, reference images are turned into

       custom watercolor portraits at a rate of 6 minutes each


04. A quick gestural sketch is made using black pen (no time for

       pencil!) followed by pops of watercolor. 


05. As portraits are completed, they are placed in

       eco-friendly protective sleeves to ensure they arrive home safely.

Aspen Watercolor Guest Portraits.jpg

Guest Portraits hit the event scene full force with little warning. The process of creating them is similar; spurts of intensity followed by something beautiful. 


Guest portraits are available by selecting the quantity you would like. Every 10 portraits is another hour creating at your event. Couples typically book beginning at cocktail hour and finish at the reception.



Kelsey considers each finished piece of paper a "portrait". The number of people (1-6) captured on the paper is not necessarily important. Each portrait - 1 paper - is completed in 6 minutes.



When deciding on the number of portraits, taking the guest count and cutting it in half is a great way to figure out how many portraits to account for. Most portraits contain 2 guests, though they can range from 1-6. 


Next Steps

Fill out a live event inquiry to see if your date is available.


The Knot Influencer Portraits in Aspen, CO
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